Monday, March 30, 2009

Soon, I Hope

If you'd be so kind to take a gander to the right, you'll see that I have once again listed a menu for the week. Things are far from being "normal" around here, but I'm starting back to cooking with some of the easiest recipes from my repertoire. Then it should be just a hop, skip and a jump to getting to all the stuff on my to-cook list, meaning I'll finally have some new things to share. Slowly, but surely, I'll get there. Also, we don't yet have interwebs at the house, so we gotta fix that too, ha.

1 comment:

jane maynard said...

hey jessica! I was just thinking, I haven't seen a delicious jessica menu in a I clicked up to my links list on my blog, and your link was missing. what the?!?! anyway, I've re-added it (have no idea where it went). sorry about that!

anyway, hope to see you around some more! :) and that cake from everyday food looks so good...I love that magazine!

hope you're to you later. :)

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